singer/songwriter - keyboards  DJ

charles lamont

Bob Dylan in the Lounge

Gig History :     South Bay and Switzerland   

Princess Louise Restaurant   San Pedro -7 years

Tony’s on the Pier  Redondo  Beach - 12 years

4 Winters in Zurich and Basel Switzerland

Seacliff Country Club  Huntington Beach -11 years

Admiral Risty   Palos Verdes-15 years 

Some of these gigs were concurrent

Gigs to come

Double Tree Hilton

San Pedro Marina

every other friday

Jan 31

Feb  14-28  

Mar 13 -27

April 10-24

May  8-22

Jun 5-19

July  3=17- 31

Aug 14-28

Sep  11-25

Oct   9-23

Nov  6-20

Dec  4- 18

Alamitos Bay

Yacht Club



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310 748 3439